Sunday, January 17, 2021

Happy New Year - I Resolve To Organize My Photos!

Happy New Year, Friends!
With this new year comes a new start. My resolution is take advantage of all the forced at home time and do some serious organizing - starting with my computer and all my photos.

I don't know about you, but I take A LOT of pictures. I have filled 3 external hard drives in the last couple years.  I have even lost some precious memories and *gulp* work files to corrupt hard drives. Yikes! I admit, it is my own fault for not being more diligent about storing my photos in an orderly and organized manner. 

I think this is the year that I will be moving my photos to that mysterious and wonderful storage CLOUD! It will give me a backup of my files and keep safe all those precious memories. 

Disclosure:  I will be compensated if you click on certain links and decide to purchase the products I recommend. These recommendations are always based on a positive experience with the person or company whose product I am recommending.

As I researched all my options, I have narrowed it down to just a few. Top of the list, is SmugMug. They provide safe, secure and unlimited photo storage.  Click here to find out more. (Unlimited sounds like what I need in my life) 

If you are a Pro Photographer or maybe you are thinking seriously about setting up an online portfolio of your amazing work, SmugMug also has a photo website option, simple to set up in minutes. Sound like what you need in your life? Click here to get started.

If your resolution is similar to mine and you like the idea of safely storing your photos, cleaning up your computer, or creating a Photo Portfolio Website, you can get your free SmugMug 14-day trial today, and save 15% on a new account.

Happy New Year and Happy Organizing! 
Here's hoping 2021 is Healthier, Safer, and More Organized!

Peace, Love, and Creativity, 

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